Büyük Dosyaları Parçalara Bölmek

Linux sistemlerde dosyaları belirli bir boyuta göre bölüp, yeniden birleştirebiliriz.

Büyük Dosyaları Parçalara Bölmek

split -b100k myfile myprefix

Splits the file into sections of 100 kilobytes, naming the sections myprefixaa, myprefixab, etc. Type ls -l so see the results. You can specify any number after the -b: choose one that makes sense. If you leave off the k, it will be understood as bytes instead of kilobytes. If you use m instead of k, it will be understood as megabytes.

cat myprefix* > mynewfile

Concatenate all the files and write them to mynewfile. (The * and > are tricks you'll learn in another chapter FIXME xref.)


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